Services » Light Design & Manufacture
Customer Aircraft Warning Light Design & Manufacture
The majority of the aircraft warning light systems that we design and supply are compliant under the applicable regulations. However, there are occasions where a client or consultant may require the lighting system to be bespoke to suit their specific requirements. This would apply in situations where the obstacle to be marked is deemed as ‘unusual’.
In this case, as well as complying with applicable regulations, it is important to ensure that safe installation and maintenance access are incorporated into aircraft warning light system design. Our engineers are experienced in working together with our clients to design a system that meets a plurality of requirements.
Delta is a company that has completed an array of bespoke contracts. These contracts have included instances such as designing a light that does not exceed 200mm diameter, so that it could be raised through a spire, and redesigning solar boards on solar lights so that the light unit could withstand excessive wind loads.
A frequent request that we receive is to alter the base colour of the light unit so that they blend into existing buildings. This is particularly relevant on listed and historical buildings.
Our lights are featured on some buildings you may know…

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What are the different types of aircraft warning lights?
Here are three main types of aircraft warning lights which are used; these are:
• The High Intensity is a Type A (white flashing) aircraft warning light with an output intensity of 200,000candela during the day, 20,000candela at twilight and 2,000candela during the night.
• The Medium Intensity comes in 3 different types.
⁃ Type A – white flashing 20,000candela
⁃ Type B – red flashing 2,000candela
⁃ Type C – red steady burning 2,000candela
• The Low Intensity light is a constant red light (steady burning), and however comes as a 10candela, 20candela, 32candela and a 200candela light intensity, an optional
Structures with a height less than 45mtr require low intensity lights
Structures with a height of 45mtr or higher require medium intensity lights.
Structures with a height greater than 150mtr require high intensity lights – recommended by the ICAO Annex 14.